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Teaching is one of the most important jobs for every society. As teachers, we are life changers and shapers of society. Not only do teachers enable society in all aspects of human lives, they wield great influence in shaping opinion and thoughts over generations. Teachers are the producers of a whole spectrum that is needed for nations to thrive from ordinary workers to other nation builders including leaders. In effect, we are what we are today, thanks to the teacher. However, several studies have shown that whereas teachers are highly valued in some countries, there are significant disparities in the way teachers are treated and rewarded. OECD Reports over the years have consistently shown a strong correlation between the prosperity of a nation and the status of Teachers or how well they are paid or treated. For examples countries such as China and South Korea rank among the highest on the Global Teacher Status Index. Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany and again South Korea also rank as places where Teachers are best paid and looked after. It is no coincidence how these countries flourish and prosper economically.

In effect where a nation values their teachers, it forms the basis for growing the human capital needed for development and prosperity. The good news is that demand for Teachers in these countries prepared to take good care of Teachers are on the increase. There is an increase in demand for International Teachers from China, and others such as the Middle East and indeed throughout the world. Not only that. For those who are not in pursuit of green pastures beyond their borders, there are opportunities elsewhere around the globe or within their countries that could be explored. That could be anything from voluntary work via non-governmental organisations and charities, to United Nations Agencies, Teacher Exchange programs, and so on.

However, it is almost certain that not all teachers and teaching aspirants would like to leave the shores of their land. For these, the value in acquiring International Teacher status can be equally phenomenal. For one thing, their national value is undoubtedly enhanced both for progress and promotional prospects. In effect, this kind of status opens up opportunities not only beyond borders, but also within them.

Further exciting news is that with advancement in technology, there are increasing number of teachers that are being recruited to teach online and get paid well and rewarded accordingly without leaving their homeland.

Again, International Teachers College – London is built by teachers for teachers, aspiring-teachers and those seeking career change, progression and worldwide promotion.

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